Looking for new Mac software? Hoof yourself around to half a dozen different tracker sites to find the latest updates, or save your soles and ring our doorbell instead. Details




We Are Closed! 2010-09-16

MAT Feedback

A Town Square Chat Space

From 2004 to 2010, the Mac Aggregate Tracker (MAT) followed the software listings of various major (and sometimes not-so-major) tracker/update sites that developers used to announce new releases. What we tried to add was name/version normalization, duplicate matching, and crapware removal. It worked pretty well.

In September 2010, CNET revamped VersionTracker in a way that made it useless for us as a primary source of new releases. That left MacUpdate as the only major source to follow. As a result, we decided it didn't make much sense to keep MAT going. Check our news archive for more choice words on the matter.

For the curious eyes of the historian, we maintain this site with the archived daily listings from the beginning to the end. Find what interests you in the dated directories below: